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Life in the Slow Lane


Updated: Jan 6, 2020

Confession time - 2019 has been a tough one for me.

Those of you who follow Wings of Refuge may be scratching your head and wondering how that could be possible. This year has brought exciting changes. Because of your generous support, Wings of Refuge has changed locations, we own a home, we serve more survivors, we have over 50 trained volunteers, we launched a social enterprise, and the list goes on and on! It’s amazing -- and I become overwhelmed.

Somehow the ‘business’ of restoration became a burden. It became a crack in my spirit where Satan entered and whispered, “You can’t do this.”

As it turns out, I can’t do this, but thankfully - God can.

It took some serious vulnerability and some incredible supportive team members (and a series of mini breakdowns) for me to see that God’s blessings are GIFTS, not burdens to weigh us down. What God starts, He will faithfully finish. He will provide a way. I know I need to trust and follow His lead because He already has a plan, and it is so good! God has poured His BLESSINGS on Wings of Refuge in 2019.

Never again do I want to get caught up in the ‘business’ of restoration and miss the moments. Oh the sweet moments of 2019! Moments like playing UNO in a coffee shop while we celebrate together the launch of a social enterprise, moments sharing good memories of favorite holiday dishes around a table at lunch, moments of laughter and new memory making during a game of pictionary, moments of sharing healing, restorative tears. Moments when time IS the gift.

So I resolved to slow down - to start living in the slow lane. Enjoying the moments. Praying more. Worshiping more. Trusting more. Giving God the ‘to do’ list and letting Him work out the details of His plan, and it has made such a difference in my spirit.

In just two days, my family will be home for Thanksgiving, and I haven’t even thought about the menu. Life in the slow lane reminds me that it doesn’t matter if we have turkey and pie or pizza. We will be together and time together is what we cherish.

What about you? Are you overwhelmed by the fast lane? Does the clock, the holiday ‘to do’ list, and the calendar whisper, “You can’t do this.” I feel it too, but I’m resolving to continue to live in the slow lane - to cherish the moments and praise God for the gifts.

Do you need to move into the slow lane? Do you need more intimate conversation with less talking and more listening? Do you need more phone calls to loved one and friends with no agenda other than to let them know you care? Do you need to enjoy the snowfall without complaining about the cold? Do you need more time around the table and less on your phone?

Maybe the best gift you can give this year won’t be wrapped with a bow. What if it’s time. Time to enjoy the gifts right in front of you - the precious moments. 

The slow lane also provides more time to be with our heavenly Father. A friend shared this song with me several months ago at a time when I needed to slow down and “Just Be” with my Father. I’m regifting it to you. May it allow you some time in the slow lane.

By: Bev Shipley, Executive Director



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